Wysłany: Sob Sty 27, 2024 11:55 Wezwanie Boskiego Sądu na niedoskonałości na tej planecie
https://transcendencetoolbox.com/how-to ... -judgment/
praktycznie każdy z nas doświadcza różnych niedoskonałości na tej planecie i jest w nie zamieszany.
Chociażby warunki ekonomiczne zdrowotne i inne.
Powyższa formułka Boskiego Sądu pozwala na wezwanie wyższych sił Boga by zatrzymały dalsze kontynuowanie takich niedoskonałości
The short judgment call
The following is a short call that you can give aloud to call forth God’s judgment:
In the name of the I AM THAT I AM and by the authority of the spark a God within my heart and the authority of my Christ self, I now invoke the electronic presence of Jesus Christ to manifest where I am and to bring forth God’s judgment upon the evildoers on this Earth, especially . . .
(Briefly describe the situation and name names of key individuals involved)
By the authority of Jesus Christ, I now call for God’s judgment and God’s justice to descend upon the warmongers and the evildoers on this planet. I call for the infinite power of God to strip these souls of their power to pull people and nations unto the path of hatred and war.
By the authority of Jesus Christ, I call to Archangel Michael and the legions of the Ascended Host to descend into this world and wage spiritual warfare against the demons and the dark forces that are enslaving the people and binding them on the false path of fear and hatred.
By the authority of Jesus Christ, I call forth the full physical manifestation of the Will of God for planet Earth. I demand that the electronic matrix of God’s kingdom be lowered into full physical manifestation to consume all energies that fall below the vibration of unconditional love.
By the authority of Jesus Christ I hereby invoke the consuming fire of our God. I see and accept that God’s unconditional and unlimited love engulfs the entire planet and consumes all unlike itself. I accept that the Earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof.
In the name of Jesus Christ, it is done, it is finished, it is sealed in the heart of God and in the heart of matter, now and forever. Amen.
Dodam też że stosowanie technick duchowych jest najlepszym sposobem na zmiane świata co opisane jest w książce
Wezwanie Boskiego Sądu na niedoskonałości na tej planecie
Wszystko co potrzebne duszy zamieszkującej ciało.Rozwój duchowy , religie i inne.
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