Do the chakras spin in different directions for men and women?
Question: I love visualizing during meditation. I have learned some years ago about the different chakras’ spinning directions for men versus women. However, I am not sure if these teachings are valid. I feel like I would get more from my visualizations if I could visualize both the colors and the spinning directions. Can the masters comment on that?
Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2024 Chicago Conference.
NOTE from Kim: I originally got this answer wrong, because I was stuck in my linear mind. I have corrected it so the answer applies to how to visualise the chakras during meditation, as described in the question. I apologise for any confusion this might have caused.
Well, it is not correct to say that the chakras spin in different directions for men and women. There is a natural spinning movement of the chakras, and it is generally, if you are looking from inside yourself, they are spinning in a clockwise direction.
But it is possible that people can have chakras that are spinning in the opposite direction, in other words, spinning in what we might call the “wrong” direction. This messenger many years ago became aware that his solar plexus chakra was spinning in the opposite direction and it caused a constant agitation in the solar plexus chakra. He then had an experience of this being healed by the intercession of the masters.
This can happen to many, many people that their chakras are spinning in the opposite direction of what is natural. And you can, of course, use the tools we have, you can make calls to ascended masters if you become aware that there is a certain chakra that is agitated, for the chakras to be cleared so that it can start spinning in the natural direction.
Do the chakras spin in different directions for men and women?
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