The physics of decreeing
Question: In today’s world many people with technical mindsets do not take the practice of the spoken words seriously. It is because they do not see how simply saying the words can attract spiritual light and facilitate a connection with beings from the spiritual world. Could the masters describe the effect of this practice in terms of the physics of the process? We know that invocations and decrees do not work mechanically but how do the Eastern mantras work? Eastern teachings emphasize the proper pronunciation of the mantra that gives the impression that this is enough to make the mantra work mechanically. At the same time ascended master students recite the mantras without much emphasis on pronunciation. Please comment on this topic.
Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2022 Ukraine Webinar.
Well, people with a technical mindset as you say should be open to recognizing that, since 1905 when Einstein published the theory of relativity, it has been known that everything is energy. You live in a world where everything is energy. You should be able to realize that there are lower energies and there are higher energies. That like attracts like and that energies can accumulate. It should be possible for people who are not too mechanically minded to feel that they can be burdened by lower energies, by fear-based energies, and to even see that fear-based energies can spread in an entire population causing them to do something completely irrational out of fear.
They should be able to recognize that, if you really want to improve your personal situation and the way you feel, you need to become aware of energy. You need to recognize you have an energy field around your physical body and that fear-based energy can accumulate there which is what causes people, for example, to be pulled into addiction and makes it so difficult for people to pull themselves out of it. And therefore you need to do something to overcome this lower energy and you do this by invoking energy, by accessing energy, of a higher vibration.
In other words, the mechanical laws of science describe how two energy waves create an interference pattern. You can take an energy wave with a low frequency, direct a high frequency energy at it, and the result is a new energy wave that is higher than the lowest wave. This is how you can transform energy and this is simply physics. There is nothing unscientific about it. It is a rather mechanical process.
The question now becomes how do you access high frequency energy? And of course people with a technical mindset will want a technological way to do it, but the question is whether it can ever be done. What you can perhaps make some people see is that, traditionally for thousands of years, people have used these mantras and invocations and decrees to invoke high frequency energy. You do not need to call it spiritual energy. It is simply a love-based high frequency energy and it can have a positive effect on your life.
And the way that we offer you to do it is that we are the ones whose job it is to help people free themselves from negative energy and therefore when you invoke our presence, we will give you the energy to free yourself. But this is not a mechanical way. It requires a certain attunement in your heart, a certain intuition. There will be people who are so into the mechanical scientific mindset that they have denied their intuition and those you may not be able to help see anything. But those who have some intuition, you can help them see this, and you can say to them: “How has science progressed? Because scientists have been willing to experiment. Are you willing to experiment? Will you try this out and see if it works for you? Because it works for me. I have experienced benefits from doing this and you can do the same.”
Now in terms of the question of Eastern mantras there is a pronounced tendency in Eastern mantras that people have a mechanical approach to it. They think that the mantra itself is so powerful, that if it is given and given correctly, then it will mechanically invoke the energy. We have explained to you that this is not the case because there is always an ascended master who evaluates the motives. If it was mechanical you could theoretically use a mantra to invoke energy that would harm another person. And this of course is not the intention.
What we say now is that the pronunciation is less important than the attunement in your heart. The sense of attunement toward the source of the energy and that there is a flow through you as the messenger talked about earlier. You can give decrees and invocations in a mechanical way. They will have some effect but very little effect compared to when you give them with attunement so that you feel the flow from the master through your chakras.
The physics of decreeing
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