Balancing the karma vs. ego games
Question: How can I balance the energy I have perverted? Can it be done by some kind of good deeds or other actions? Please explain this. Now I am confused and understand that some activities can only be ego games or ego dramas. I don’t want to go out of my path and waste my time.
Answer from Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2021 Webinar for Russia – Overcoming the Consciousness of Superiority and the Sense of Being Unwhole, Traumatized and Focused Outside Oneself.
You can balance a certain amount of karma or energy by doing good deeds or by helping others or compensating if you have wronged other people. But of course, the primary method given by the masters is invocations and decrees whereby you invoke higher frequency energy to transform the lower frequency energy.
Some activities might be done as part of an ego game. There are many people who are engaged in what you would call good deeds, but it’s really an ego game they are playing, sometimes even trying to control other people. Sometimes they’re just trying to create the image that they are good people or they live up to a certain spiritual standard, and that can be an ego game.
But it doesn’t mean that you can’t take actions. If you have wronged other people, you can ask for forgiveness, you can forgive them, you can forgive yourself. I think if you study the teachings a little bit more, then you will find that the masters have actually given a lot of tools for this, but first of all, the invocations and the decrees.
Balancing the karma vs. ego games
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