How to manifest Christhood in a totalitarian state
Question: How can one manifest their Christhood in a totalitarian state where there are no rights and freedoms for self-expression? At any moment such a person can be forced into a mental hospital or be imprisoned. In such a case, what about those who have put in their divine plan to become the living Christ in embodiment?
Answer from the Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2024 New Year webinar
There is no standard for what it means to be the living Christ. It is something that you decide by becoming an open door for the I AM Presence. It is not a matter of you with the outer mind saying: “What should I do? Is there any point in expressing my Christhood if I end up in a mental hospital or prison?” It is the matter of you using our teachings and tools to work towards having that greater sense of oneness with the I AM Presence until you become an open door for allowing the I AM Presence to express itself through you. And then whatever the consequences of that is, you accept that and live with it. You see, if you say with the outer mind: “I should not end up in a mental hospital or prison”, then you are limiting your Christhood. However, if you think that the only way to be the living Christ in a totalitarian state is to end up in a mental hospital or prison, that is also limiting your Christhood. You cannot know with the outer mind. What you need to do is to strive for work towards oneness with the I AM Presence and a greater intuitive sense of your divine plan.
And then, you will know from within. Now, there may be many of you who have chosen to embody in a totalitarian state, not because you wanted to rebel against or speak out against the state with the inevitable consequence of that, but because you wanted to be the living Christ in embodiment in another way where you are not necessarily speaking out. At least not in a public forum, but you can maybe do it in private, or you can simply achieve a higher degree of Christhood whereby you become the open door for radiating light into the collective consciousness. There is more than one way to be the living Christ. It is not necessarily that you go into the temple and overturn the tables of the money changers and allow yourself to be crucified. But you see my point, you cannot decide this with the outer mind. You cannot decide that this should not happen or this should happen. Being the living Christ is being the open door for the I AM Presence and allowing whatever comes to come. But you are not deciding with the outer mind, you are letting it flow.
As we expressed in Kazakhstan, you become one with the River of Life and you allow the River of Life to flow through you, however the river, the Holy Spirit wants to flow in your particular situation. It is not a guarantee that being the living Christ at a totalitarian state ends up with you being imprisoned or put in a mental hospital or killed. This is not the only way to be the living Christ. Naturally, the living Christ is not about achieving a certain outer result. It is about working in the long term towards raising the collective consciousness which will bring change. Taking some kind of ultimate stand and being killed, it will in many situations not be the ultimate way to be the Christ. It is better to stay in embodiment for a long time, be an open door for the light radiated into collective consciousness so that the nation changes over a longer period of time. But again, there is no standard, so you need to tune in. And, of course, you also need to make that decision at the level of the Conscious You, that you are willing to be an open door for the I AM Presence, whatever the consequences may be.
How to manifest Christhood in a totalitarian state
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