More than one Conscious You
Question: I am a bit confused about the I AM Presence sometimes sending more than one Conscious You or even the I AM Presence being an already ascended master, and another Conscious You that is sent, that is still evolving, will later merge with that master when it ascends. I am aware that this is not something to be grasped with the linear mind, but I would really appreciate your help in this as I already feel closeness to my I AM Presence and that there is no separation, that it is me. But with the reality of more than one Conscious You sometimes being sent, it becomes very confusing as how all the Conscious You’s have a sense of individuality and continuity when ascending and not vanish into that one being that sent them out.
Answer from the Ascended Master Jesus through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during a 2024 Deep Healing Retreat Conference in Tallinn, Estonia.
Yes, that is confusing from the viewpoint of the linear mind. And it will always be confusing to the linear mind. In a sense, there is no teaching that I can give you that can be grasped by the outer mind that will resolve this dilemma. It will only fully be resolved when you, the Conscious You that you are, when you ascend and merge with the Presence, then you will experience what it is. And therefore, in a sense, you could say that the best advice that could be given you is to stop being concerned about any other Conscious You that is an extension of your I AM Presence, but just focus on yourself and your situation and your process of ascending and merging back into the Presence. All of these other things will be resolved after you ascend.
Now, I can give you an explanation, but if you approach that explanation from the outer mind, the linear mind, you will actually end up being more confused by my explanation that if I did not give it. What I am saying is, the reason why this seems to be confusing to you is because you are overthinking it through the linear mind. Stop overthinking, stop thinking about it, just focus on your sense of closeness to your I AM Presence. Do not worry about any other Conscious Yous. You see, the Conscious You is an extension of the Presence. It is not the totality of the Presence. Therefore, you cannot experience the totality of the Presence as long as you are an extension. You can only experience the totality when you are no longer an extension because you have merged back into the Presence. And that is the only thing that will resolve it because no matter how much you think about it, you will not overcome the confusion. Therefore, I am choosing not to give you any further explanation.
More than one Conscious You
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