Free will: parents vs. children
Question: Thank you for the master’s dictations in the Easter webinar. As a mother sometimes I am confused in dealing with my son’s free will. Until where can I respect his free will? Or how far can I respect his free will? For example, about watching TV too much or playing games too much. I need to control his schedule. Is it okay from the respect of other beings’ free will?
Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2024 Easter webinar
Well, you cannot look at this situation only as a matter of your son’s free will. Because your son is living in your house, you are a family and so your son’s free will needs to be balanced with your free will and other members of the family. There is always that balancing of the free will of the individual with the free will of whatever group the individual is part of. And as we have said, no human being is an island so all beings are part of a group. You have a right to set certain boundaries for your children.
In fact, you have an obligation to set boundaries for your children. They may at some point rebel against your boundaries but it is better for them to have something to rebel against than not have any boundaries set by the parents. The parents who attempt to not set boundaries for their children are really not respecting the children’s free will. Because as a child you do not have the maturity to decide what you really want to do. You need to have something to relate to so that gradually as you grow up, get more clarity on who you are and what you want to do. And besides you also have the concern here that as an adult any person needs to function in a group setting. And if you do not learn that as a child it is much more difficult to learn as an adult. Therefore, as a parent you have a right and an obligation to set boundaries for your children so that they can function within the family unit which becomes the basis for them functioning in society. Otherwise they end up being these kind of people who find it very difficult to function in a social setting and that really is not in the child’s best interest.
Free will: parents vs. children
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