Archangel Michael’s invocation for protection
Question: Question about invocation for protection. At the Korean conference, Archangel Michael said he could not interfere in our lives and protect us as we had thought for many years – magical thinking. What kind of power does the invocation have for protection and does it make sense to give it?
Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2024 Easter webinar.
It is not correct to say that Archangel Michael cannot protect you. What we have said consistently over the years is that we cannot protect you against your free-will choices. This means that you can invoke Archangel Michael’s protection to protect you against say a specific entity, such as tobacco or alcohol. But if you have a subconscious self or several subconscious selves that make you attached to drinking alcohol for example, then Archangel Michael cannot protect you against that because it is a free-will choice.
But by giving the invocation, he can protect you against other lower forces that you are not voluntarily inviting into your force field. In order to get the full protection, you need to look at whether you have ties to such forces and whether you have an attachment to them—a subconscious self that actually invites them into your force field. And then you need to resolve that self and then the protection will work also for these entities.
In other words, if you are not voluntarily inviting an entity into your being, it may still project at you, especially if it had a hold on you before. Let’s say you have invited the alcohol entity into your being. Now you resolve this and you choose with your free will that you do not want this in your being. But still the collective alcohol entity will attempt to project at you the desire to drink alcohol. And this is where once you have resolved the self that invited the entity inside your energy field, Archangel Michael can then protect you from these projections.
There are, of course, when you invoke Archangel Michael, many forces that he can protect you against. But if you have a specific force, as I said, that you are inviting in because of a subconscious self, then Archangel Michael cannot override your free will. And it is your responsibility to uncover that attachment, that subconscious self, and use your free will to let it die.
Archangel Michael’s invocation for protection
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