About missing an opportunity in your Divine Plan
Question: I am recently divorced from an abusive husband, and it has always been turbulent regarding finding the right partner. I am wondering if one makes a certain choice of doing something, can this one choice lose my opportunity to meet someone who I think I have a connection with and may potentially be the partner in my Divine Plan? How easy is it to lose a certain outcome due to just one simple action or choice in the interdependent originations of things? And if so, how can I go beyond blaming myself? Or if they are in one’s Divine Plan, is it not that complicated and not that easy to lose the potential to meet them?I have been a bit reckless and faced some harsh backlash from some group of people.
Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 Korean Conference.
Following your Divine Plan is largely a matter of your intuition. You cannot know with the outer mind what is in your Divine Plan. You can have a strong sense of intuition, some people have it from an early age, and therefore they use their outer minds to kind of reinforce the impression and study a particular area, for example. But for people who are not as intuitive and who are more impulsive in making decisions, it is certainly easy to miss an opportunity. And many people have, of course, done this, especially in their teenage years and in their youth, when they are more impulsive, make these not very informed or very aware decisions. One of the very common ways to miss an opportunity in your Divine Plan is to take drugs, especially the more severe drugs. Alcohol is also a way, but also being very impulsive, seeking to always go to extremes can block your intuition. Certainly there are many people who have missed the opportunities they built into their Divine Plan to meet a particular partner.
Now, of course, when you make a Divine Plan, you are also looking at your psychology. You are looking at: “Do I have certain tendencies that might block me from fulfilling my Divine Plan?” You do two things, you can choose a particular situation to be born in, you can choose certain partners who will force you, so to speak, to deal with that aspect of your psychology. But what you can also do is you can have a backup plan. If there is a certain partner you are meant to meet and you do not meet that partner, then there is another one that you could meet at a later time. And most people have a backup plan. There are, of course, also many people who have as part of their Divine Plan to have several partners, because you learn different aspects from each one, hopefully.
What you realize is that you can certainly lose a specific opportunity to meet a specific person. But for most spiritual people it is, this does not mean you have lost the opportunity to fulfill your Divine Plan, because the primary aspect of your Divine Plan is your growth in consciousness.
This can be achieved in many different ways. And the outer circumstances are not what guarantees or produces the shift in consciousness. It is your willingness to look at yourself. If you realize you have not had as much willingness to look at yourself as you could have had, then you can, of course, change that consciously and go into using spiritual and psychological tools to heal your psychology. And that then will bring you closer to fulfilling your Divine Plan. Your Divine Plan is not primarily focused on specific physical results or situations, but much more on the transformation of consciousness.
About missing an opportunity in your Divine Plan
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