Ekonomia wzrasta przez podnoszenie sie poziomu świadomości
: środa 10 lip 2024, 18:28
Natrafiłem na ciekawą odpowiedź wniebowstapionych mistrzów
mianowicie uczą oni że wzrost ekonomi ogólnego bogactwa jest właśnie efektem podniesienia sie świadomości ludzi
kopia odpowiedzi:
Economy in the golden age
Question: Capitalism has allowed the average man of today to live better than the nobles of yesteryear. Yet the masters don't seem particularly excited about the future of this system, or even of moving from a debt-based economy to a gold standard. Can you elaborate on this and what kind of economic system or life system they envision?
Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given at a conference in Washington, D.C. (USA) in 2019.
You cannot say that the average citizen today has a higher standard of living than the noble class in medieval Europe. Because the average citizen today still has to work for living, still has to do their own housework and bring up their own children instead of having 500 people do all the work for them. It is, of course, possible to take a one-sided view of capitalism and compare it to how it was 200 years ago and say, there's much more wealth in societies today, and the average person of today is better off than the average person of 200 years ago. But is that because of capitalism or in spite of capitalism?
You need to recognize here that there are two separate elements here. Underlying everything is the economy itself, which is based on certain universal principles. You might call them natural laws. You might call them spiritual laws, or certain principles that are working in the economy. Then human beings have from time-to-time in different historical epochs come up with various ideologies or theories that they have super imposed upon the economy, wanting the economy to work a certain way. What you see going on here is simply this: the collective consciousness is being raised and has been in the process of being raised for a long time. As the collective consciousness is raised, the economy will grow. It's an inevitable follow up of the raising of the collective consciousness. The economic growth you have seen primarily in the democratic world, over the past couple of hundred years, is a natural follow up of the raising of the collective consciousness. It is also a follow up of democracy and a more egalitarian society that gives greater opportunity to greater numbers of people.
Capitalism, however, is an economic system that at least when you talk about what has been called crony capitalism or monopoly capitalism, has the purpose of concentrating wealth in the hands of a small elite. What we have said before is that there is an alternative is to have no economic system. We are human beings are not creating a theory and super imposing it upon the economy, saying this is how the economy should work. Instead, you use the scientific process, and the incredible knowledge and tools that is available today, to actually determine how does the economy work based on these natural principles?
I can assure you that if you could take a team of economists and people from other sciences, put them together and have them all be neutral and have the goal of discovering these universal principles for how the economy works, they could do it. The reason why this hasn't happened, the reason why there hasn't been a theory that comes out about it, is that the power elite have sabotaged this time and time again because they want to maintain monopoly capitalism. Get the power elite out of the equation, like Sanat Kumara said, all of the basis for a sustainable economy that isn't focused on profit, but focused on serving all of the people are there, they are in place.
Why aren't they working? Because the power elite is systematically sabotaging it. You will not have a natural economy as long as you allow the power elite to sabotage and monopolize. It cannot happen. It will not happen. It is not a matter of coming up with another system. It's a matter of discovering the natural principles that make the economy work. This is doable. But the fallen beings will do everything in their power to prevent it.
I właśnie nadużycia ekonomiczne mają wreszcie odejść w zapomnienie i ekonomia dla małej cząstki elit rzadzacych ludźmi także a ma nadejść obfitość dla wszystkich
Obecnie system kumuluje miliony w rękach małej czestki ludzkości elity a zwykły polak pracuje za 3 tysiące na ręke ( dodam że płacąc 80-95% podatków małej elicie)
Jednak w nadchodzącej w praktycznie już obecnej złotej erze(miksują sie obecnie świat stary i nadchodząca złota era to okres przejściowy) STARCZY DLA WSZYSTKICH nie tylko dla elit ale dla wszystkich ludzi
Będzie powszechna obfitość
Jak pisałem najlepszą rzeczą dla zmian rzeczy na lepsze jest własnie wzrost świadomości czyli rozwijanie sie wzrastanie uczenie wchodzenie na wyższy poziom sie jako człowiek
Nie było tak szybkiego wzrostu świadomości indywidualnej wielu ludzi jak i masowej dzieki temu od ostatniej złotej ery dlatego te wszelkie problemy mają w ten złotej erze odejść na zawsze
w realiach polskich
20% dochodowy
20% vat w sklepach
40% ubezpieczenia emerytalne rentowe chorobowe
ok chyba ok.70% akcyza w paliwie (przez co drożeje wszystko)
do tego dochodzi inflacja kilka procent uznawana czasem też za podatek
wiec uważam że obecny system jest niesprawiedliwy gdy oddaje sie aż tyle a dostałe mały ułamek tego co sie wyrpacowało
więc mały procent może0,1-0,01% ludzi należących do elity czyli 1 na tysiąc czy 10 tysięcy
zbiera ze zwykłch ludzi aż tyle więc nie dziwne że biorąc po 10 000 -45 000 miesięcznie od każdego człowieka zbierają sie aż na miliony
ale jak pisałem niższy poziom świadomości ludzi przyniósł taki niesprawiedliwy system i to ma sie zmienić na sprawiedliwszy i co ważne z bogactem na o wiele wyższym poziomie gdzie STARCZY dla wszystkich
zresztą nie tylko ekonomia ale na wszystkich polach ma sie zmienić na lepsze
oczywiście to my budujemy ten świat i wszystko zależy od nas
czy osiągnięmy najwyższy poziom czy troche niższy
złota era też jest na pewnym poziomie wyższym czy niższym
jednak i tak będzie wyżej niż jest teraz
The working poor and the power elite
Question: Can the masters comment on the growing class of the economically precarious workforce? These are the ones who don’t have regular jobs but work from contract to contract without benefits, the so-called gig economy. How does this influence Saint Germain’s Golden Age?
Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given at a conference in Albuquerque (USA) in 2018.
Well my beloved, the reality is that this is an expression or demonstration of the manipulation of the economy by the power elite. There’s no way to say this diplomatically. The power elite, what do they want? They want to create a modern version of the feudal system where those who did the physical work could be treated as property. They had no rights; the landlords, the feudal lords, didn’t have to accommodate them in any way; they could simply treat them as animals, that if they had outlived their usefulness, could be killed off. This is how the fallen beings look at human beings on earth. They want to treat people as property; this is their basic attitude to human beings.
This needs to be exposed in order for civilization to move forward. Basically it’s an expression of the fact that even though there was a period when workers were organized and there were labor unions, these have in many countries started losing some of their influence. In America you will see that labor unions were never that big a factor, certainly not as big as they have been in many European nations. Many of the European nations have actually reached a point where labor unions are no longer as necessary because there isn’t the same antagonistic relationship between workers and employers but in America you have not reached that point. In other European nations, particularly the UK, you have that situation where many people work without having secure employment, without having any benefits. They are called the working poor because they don’t make enough money to actually sustain a living, especially not in the cities, where real estate prices have been artificially inflated. So some people who even have a job can’t afford to buy a house in a city. You have that, of course, in America as well, where the American dream is out of reach for a growing number of people.
This situation is obviously not something that has any place in the Golden Age whatsoever. It is one of these things where sometimes things have to be acted out in an extreme manner before people wake up. We have had now for decades a situation where the actual material living standard of the middle class has been eroded, which is something many Americans thought would never happen. The American economy is growing; there is more wealth today than there was thirty years ago. So why isn’t the middle class richer and why isn’t the middle class bigger, so that there are fewer and fewer poor people? Well the only explanation of course, is that there is a small elite that has accumulated the majority of that wealth. Who creates the wealth? The workers create the wealth but the elite harvest the benefits of people’s labor and that situation is, of course, completely antagonistic to the Golden Age.
It is something that has come about because the people have not yet educated themselves to the existence of this elite. They have been lulled asleep by the illusion that they live in a free country and therefore they have not objected. So it needs to come to more of an extreme so that people can see this and finally speak out and say enough is enough. When will that happen? Well your guess is as good as mine. I am optimistic that within the foreseeable future people will wake up and recognize that the problem really is the elite and that this needs to be tackled before America can move to the next level.
Saint Germain’s comments on the current global financial and economic situation
Question: This question is about the current global economic situation. Saint Germain has commented on the economy and finance several times previously. When I look at various indicators of the current global economy, the situation is getting more difficult. At the time of the financial crisis in 2008, financial elites solve the crisis for temporary measure, such as applying ultra-low interest rates and excessive liquidity expansion rather than working on the fundamental problem. As a result, the price of real estate and stocks have gone up and household and corporate debt has grown tremendously. Moreover, economic imbalances are deepening as the top 1% accounts for half of the total wealth. I believe that true democratization must be accompanied with economic democratization primarily with income redistribution. As Saint Germain said before, it is imperative that many people realize the reality of the financial elite to control and build a monetary system based on the real economy and a system that solves income inequality problems. Would you comment on what we should do about the current global financial and economic situation?
Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given at a conference in Korea in 2019.
Well, what we should do depends on who we are, in the sense that if you're asking about what ascended masters students should do, it would be to use the invocations that we have given you on the economy. And also, of course, to take appropriate measures so that you protect yourself and do not invest your money in these various corporations and financial institutions that could be exposed to a breakdown.
I've said before that, as you correctly pointed out, there was not really a fundamental change made after the 2008 crisis. And so, unless there is a willingness to create systemic changes, then it is just a matter of time before the next crisis happens. Now, there are certain measures that have been put in place that will make it more difficult for a new crisis. But still, there is that potential that a new crisis could happen. There could also be milder versions of the crisis. In terms of the democratization of the economy, I have already commented on what needs to happen with corporations.
But let us talk about debt also. It's clear that the current model, where you have a debt-based economy is not sustainable, and certainly will not survive in the Golden Age. So there will, given that the depth keeps increasing both for nations and for individuals and corporations, there will come a point where it will become obvious to everybody that the only way out of the debt is to simply cancel out the debt, to simply turn the clock to zero and say, “We are canceling all debt”. You can even see in a Bible how this has happened in ancient times when the economy was much smaller. And it's simply because when you allow money to be created as debt, the interest payment on the debt will create various problems, including inflationary pressures. And there comes a point where this is no longer sustainable.
In terms of a redistribution of wealth, yes, this can partly happen, as I explained with the corporations that more aware consumers do not spend their money in these corporations that are owned by, or that funnel money to the top elite. There can, as you see already, be various levels of economy. Right now, for example, you have a so-called underground economy that is fueled by drug money, for example, or other forms of crime. I am not, of course approving of this, I'm simply stating the fact that right now you have one level of economy, and then you have the more official, legal level of the economy.
But there's already beginning to emerge a new level of economy, where people who are more aware, more conscious, are not spending their money with the large corporations. Now, it is of course, also possible that you can come to a point where societies realize that not only is debt a problem because it creates barriers, issues, including inequality, but the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few people is also a problem. So this can be dealt with in different ways. It can, of course, as you see in some nations, for example, in Europe, where you have extra taxation on those with very high incomes or high profits. But it can also be happening by making it illegal to have certain forms of speculation certain of what you want a neutral word called financial instruments, but which are really just speculation. There will also come a point where nations will see that maintaining the current economy, that is really, what I have called a perception-based gambling economy also, is not sustainable. And that means that these financial instruments that can so easily be manipulated by the elite will be made illegal. And once you do this, then it will become more difficult for the rich, to use the money they have to make more money.
There will of course, as I've talked about before, come that point where societies will realize that making money off of money simply cannot be allowed in a democratic—a truly democratic nation because it gives an unfair advantage to those who already have accumulated money, often by using force or deception to accumulate the money. And therefore, you cannot actually have a truly free democratic society, as long as you allow people to manipulate markets in order to maximize profits. You as spiritual people can make the calls for this. We already have invocations for this purpose. More will be released in the future. But even the invocations based on this conference will be useful for that purpose.
Nie mam nic przeciwko bogatym ludziom ktorzy uczciwie zdobyli swoje pieniądze
Jednak jeśli pewne elity ciągną po 90% z pracy zywkłych ludzi a w zamian rzucają im praktycznie nic a większośc pieniędzy biora dla siebie to uważam to za bardzo niesprawiedliwe
I takie elity tak zdobywające pieniądze są dla mnie nieuczciwe
Inni bogaci ludzie sa całkowicie ok
jednak ten proceder zachodzi dzisiaj w większości krajów na ziemi
Jakieś elity wporwadzając podobne systemy zabierające ludziom większość ich pieniędzy
I psiząc elity niekoniecznie pisałem o politykach bo to jedne z njabiedniejszych cześci elit ale innych ludzi inną część elit
część przeiwdywań zmian w tym roku
zacytuje tylko fragment który pasuje do tego tematu:
A shift in the economy
As more and more people begin to realize this, there will come a series of shifts beginning in the more advanced modern democracies, so that people will begin to object to the rule of elitism. This will begin in the economy in the more affluent democratic nations, so that people will demand an economy that functions for the benefit of all people. Instead of what you have today, an economy that functions for the benefit of a small elite.
This will require quite a challenge to many of the economic theories that have been put out there throughout history, that are out there today. Because it will require people to come to see that these theories are actually defined by the elite, in order to allow the elite to continue to dominate the population while hiding their influence. Therefore, what needs to happen here is that people become more aware of this hidden influence of the elite—the deception that is behind all forms of elitism.
Naturally, our conferences and the books that will be created based on those conferences will be important tools, whereby those of you who are (and who will become in the next ten years) ascended master students, can provide that impetus that will turn the tide, that will turn the current of the river, that will turn the course of the ship ever so slightly so that it starts pointing in a different direction.
mianowicie uczą oni że wzrost ekonomi ogólnego bogactwa jest właśnie efektem podniesienia sie świadomości ludzi
kopia odpowiedzi:
Economy in the golden age
Question: Capitalism has allowed the average man of today to live better than the nobles of yesteryear. Yet the masters don't seem particularly excited about the future of this system, or even of moving from a debt-based economy to a gold standard. Can you elaborate on this and what kind of economic system or life system they envision?
Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given at a conference in Washington, D.C. (USA) in 2019.
You cannot say that the average citizen today has a higher standard of living than the noble class in medieval Europe. Because the average citizen today still has to work for living, still has to do their own housework and bring up their own children instead of having 500 people do all the work for them. It is, of course, possible to take a one-sided view of capitalism and compare it to how it was 200 years ago and say, there's much more wealth in societies today, and the average person of today is better off than the average person of 200 years ago. But is that because of capitalism or in spite of capitalism?
You need to recognize here that there are two separate elements here. Underlying everything is the economy itself, which is based on certain universal principles. You might call them natural laws. You might call them spiritual laws, or certain principles that are working in the economy. Then human beings have from time-to-time in different historical epochs come up with various ideologies or theories that they have super imposed upon the economy, wanting the economy to work a certain way. What you see going on here is simply this: the collective consciousness is being raised and has been in the process of being raised for a long time. As the collective consciousness is raised, the economy will grow. It's an inevitable follow up of the raising of the collective consciousness. The economic growth you have seen primarily in the democratic world, over the past couple of hundred years, is a natural follow up of the raising of the collective consciousness. It is also a follow up of democracy and a more egalitarian society that gives greater opportunity to greater numbers of people.
Capitalism, however, is an economic system that at least when you talk about what has been called crony capitalism or monopoly capitalism, has the purpose of concentrating wealth in the hands of a small elite. What we have said before is that there is an alternative is to have no economic system. We are human beings are not creating a theory and super imposing it upon the economy, saying this is how the economy should work. Instead, you use the scientific process, and the incredible knowledge and tools that is available today, to actually determine how does the economy work based on these natural principles?
I can assure you that if you could take a team of economists and people from other sciences, put them together and have them all be neutral and have the goal of discovering these universal principles for how the economy works, they could do it. The reason why this hasn't happened, the reason why there hasn't been a theory that comes out about it, is that the power elite have sabotaged this time and time again because they want to maintain monopoly capitalism. Get the power elite out of the equation, like Sanat Kumara said, all of the basis for a sustainable economy that isn't focused on profit, but focused on serving all of the people are there, they are in place.
Why aren't they working? Because the power elite is systematically sabotaging it. You will not have a natural economy as long as you allow the power elite to sabotage and monopolize. It cannot happen. It will not happen. It is not a matter of coming up with another system. It's a matter of discovering the natural principles that make the economy work. This is doable. But the fallen beings will do everything in their power to prevent it.
I właśnie nadużycia ekonomiczne mają wreszcie odejść w zapomnienie i ekonomia dla małej cząstki elit rzadzacych ludźmi także a ma nadejść obfitość dla wszystkich
Obecnie system kumuluje miliony w rękach małej czestki ludzkości elity a zwykły polak pracuje za 3 tysiące na ręke ( dodam że płacąc 80-95% podatków małej elicie)
Jednak w nadchodzącej w praktycznie już obecnej złotej erze(miksują sie obecnie świat stary i nadchodząca złota era to okres przejściowy) STARCZY DLA WSZYSTKICH nie tylko dla elit ale dla wszystkich ludzi
Będzie powszechna obfitość
Jak pisałem najlepszą rzeczą dla zmian rzeczy na lepsze jest własnie wzrost świadomości czyli rozwijanie sie wzrastanie uczenie wchodzenie na wyższy poziom sie jako człowiek
Nie było tak szybkiego wzrostu świadomości indywidualnej wielu ludzi jak i masowej dzieki temu od ostatniej złotej ery dlatego te wszelkie problemy mają w ten złotej erze odejść na zawsze
w realiach polskich
20% dochodowy
20% vat w sklepach
40% ubezpieczenia emerytalne rentowe chorobowe
ok chyba ok.70% akcyza w paliwie (przez co drożeje wszystko)
do tego dochodzi inflacja kilka procent uznawana czasem też za podatek
wiec uważam że obecny system jest niesprawiedliwy gdy oddaje sie aż tyle a dostałe mały ułamek tego co sie wyrpacowało
więc mały procent może0,1-0,01% ludzi należących do elity czyli 1 na tysiąc czy 10 tysięcy
zbiera ze zwykłch ludzi aż tyle więc nie dziwne że biorąc po 10 000 -45 000 miesięcznie od każdego człowieka zbierają sie aż na miliony
ale jak pisałem niższy poziom świadomości ludzi przyniósł taki niesprawiedliwy system i to ma sie zmienić na sprawiedliwszy i co ważne z bogactem na o wiele wyższym poziomie gdzie STARCZY dla wszystkich
zresztą nie tylko ekonomia ale na wszystkich polach ma sie zmienić na lepsze
oczywiście to my budujemy ten świat i wszystko zależy od nas
czy osiągnięmy najwyższy poziom czy troche niższy
złota era też jest na pewnym poziomie wyższym czy niższym
jednak i tak będzie wyżej niż jest teraz
The working poor and the power elite
Question: Can the masters comment on the growing class of the economically precarious workforce? These are the ones who don’t have regular jobs but work from contract to contract without benefits, the so-called gig economy. How does this influence Saint Germain’s Golden Age?
Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given at a conference in Albuquerque (USA) in 2018.
Well my beloved, the reality is that this is an expression or demonstration of the manipulation of the economy by the power elite. There’s no way to say this diplomatically. The power elite, what do they want? They want to create a modern version of the feudal system where those who did the physical work could be treated as property. They had no rights; the landlords, the feudal lords, didn’t have to accommodate them in any way; they could simply treat them as animals, that if they had outlived their usefulness, could be killed off. This is how the fallen beings look at human beings on earth. They want to treat people as property; this is their basic attitude to human beings.
This needs to be exposed in order for civilization to move forward. Basically it’s an expression of the fact that even though there was a period when workers were organized and there were labor unions, these have in many countries started losing some of their influence. In America you will see that labor unions were never that big a factor, certainly not as big as they have been in many European nations. Many of the European nations have actually reached a point where labor unions are no longer as necessary because there isn’t the same antagonistic relationship between workers and employers but in America you have not reached that point. In other European nations, particularly the UK, you have that situation where many people work without having secure employment, without having any benefits. They are called the working poor because they don’t make enough money to actually sustain a living, especially not in the cities, where real estate prices have been artificially inflated. So some people who even have a job can’t afford to buy a house in a city. You have that, of course, in America as well, where the American dream is out of reach for a growing number of people.
This situation is obviously not something that has any place in the Golden Age whatsoever. It is one of these things where sometimes things have to be acted out in an extreme manner before people wake up. We have had now for decades a situation where the actual material living standard of the middle class has been eroded, which is something many Americans thought would never happen. The American economy is growing; there is more wealth today than there was thirty years ago. So why isn’t the middle class richer and why isn’t the middle class bigger, so that there are fewer and fewer poor people? Well the only explanation of course, is that there is a small elite that has accumulated the majority of that wealth. Who creates the wealth? The workers create the wealth but the elite harvest the benefits of people’s labor and that situation is, of course, completely antagonistic to the Golden Age.
It is something that has come about because the people have not yet educated themselves to the existence of this elite. They have been lulled asleep by the illusion that they live in a free country and therefore they have not objected. So it needs to come to more of an extreme so that people can see this and finally speak out and say enough is enough. When will that happen? Well your guess is as good as mine. I am optimistic that within the foreseeable future people will wake up and recognize that the problem really is the elite and that this needs to be tackled before America can move to the next level.
Saint Germain’s comments on the current global financial and economic situation
Question: This question is about the current global economic situation. Saint Germain has commented on the economy and finance several times previously. When I look at various indicators of the current global economy, the situation is getting more difficult. At the time of the financial crisis in 2008, financial elites solve the crisis for temporary measure, such as applying ultra-low interest rates and excessive liquidity expansion rather than working on the fundamental problem. As a result, the price of real estate and stocks have gone up and household and corporate debt has grown tremendously. Moreover, economic imbalances are deepening as the top 1% accounts for half of the total wealth. I believe that true democratization must be accompanied with economic democratization primarily with income redistribution. As Saint Germain said before, it is imperative that many people realize the reality of the financial elite to control and build a monetary system based on the real economy and a system that solves income inequality problems. Would you comment on what we should do about the current global financial and economic situation?
Answer from the Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given at a conference in Korea in 2019.
Well, what we should do depends on who we are, in the sense that if you're asking about what ascended masters students should do, it would be to use the invocations that we have given you on the economy. And also, of course, to take appropriate measures so that you protect yourself and do not invest your money in these various corporations and financial institutions that could be exposed to a breakdown.
I've said before that, as you correctly pointed out, there was not really a fundamental change made after the 2008 crisis. And so, unless there is a willingness to create systemic changes, then it is just a matter of time before the next crisis happens. Now, there are certain measures that have been put in place that will make it more difficult for a new crisis. But still, there is that potential that a new crisis could happen. There could also be milder versions of the crisis. In terms of the democratization of the economy, I have already commented on what needs to happen with corporations.
But let us talk about debt also. It's clear that the current model, where you have a debt-based economy is not sustainable, and certainly will not survive in the Golden Age. So there will, given that the depth keeps increasing both for nations and for individuals and corporations, there will come a point where it will become obvious to everybody that the only way out of the debt is to simply cancel out the debt, to simply turn the clock to zero and say, “We are canceling all debt”. You can even see in a Bible how this has happened in ancient times when the economy was much smaller. And it's simply because when you allow money to be created as debt, the interest payment on the debt will create various problems, including inflationary pressures. And there comes a point where this is no longer sustainable.
In terms of a redistribution of wealth, yes, this can partly happen, as I explained with the corporations that more aware consumers do not spend their money in these corporations that are owned by, or that funnel money to the top elite. There can, as you see already, be various levels of economy. Right now, for example, you have a so-called underground economy that is fueled by drug money, for example, or other forms of crime. I am not, of course approving of this, I'm simply stating the fact that right now you have one level of economy, and then you have the more official, legal level of the economy.
But there's already beginning to emerge a new level of economy, where people who are more aware, more conscious, are not spending their money with the large corporations. Now, it is of course, also possible that you can come to a point where societies realize that not only is debt a problem because it creates barriers, issues, including inequality, but the concentration of wealth in the hands of a few people is also a problem. So this can be dealt with in different ways. It can, of course, as you see in some nations, for example, in Europe, where you have extra taxation on those with very high incomes or high profits. But it can also be happening by making it illegal to have certain forms of speculation certain of what you want a neutral word called financial instruments, but which are really just speculation. There will also come a point where nations will see that maintaining the current economy, that is really, what I have called a perception-based gambling economy also, is not sustainable. And that means that these financial instruments that can so easily be manipulated by the elite will be made illegal. And once you do this, then it will become more difficult for the rich, to use the money they have to make more money.
There will of course, as I've talked about before, come that point where societies will realize that making money off of money simply cannot be allowed in a democratic—a truly democratic nation because it gives an unfair advantage to those who already have accumulated money, often by using force or deception to accumulate the money. And therefore, you cannot actually have a truly free democratic society, as long as you allow people to manipulate markets in order to maximize profits. You as spiritual people can make the calls for this. We already have invocations for this purpose. More will be released in the future. But even the invocations based on this conference will be useful for that purpose.
Nie mam nic przeciwko bogatym ludziom ktorzy uczciwie zdobyli swoje pieniądze
Jednak jeśli pewne elity ciągną po 90% z pracy zywkłych ludzi a w zamian rzucają im praktycznie nic a większośc pieniędzy biora dla siebie to uważam to za bardzo niesprawiedliwe
I takie elity tak zdobywające pieniądze są dla mnie nieuczciwe
Inni bogaci ludzie sa całkowicie ok
jednak ten proceder zachodzi dzisiaj w większości krajów na ziemi
Jakieś elity wporwadzając podobne systemy zabierające ludziom większość ich pieniędzy
I psiząc elity niekoniecznie pisałem o politykach bo to jedne z njabiedniejszych cześci elit ale innych ludzi inną część elit
część przeiwdywań zmian w tym roku
zacytuje tylko fragment który pasuje do tego tematu:
A shift in the economy
As more and more people begin to realize this, there will come a series of shifts beginning in the more advanced modern democracies, so that people will begin to object to the rule of elitism. This will begin in the economy in the more affluent democratic nations, so that people will demand an economy that functions for the benefit of all people. Instead of what you have today, an economy that functions for the benefit of a small elite.
This will require quite a challenge to many of the economic theories that have been put out there throughout history, that are out there today. Because it will require people to come to see that these theories are actually defined by the elite, in order to allow the elite to continue to dominate the population while hiding their influence. Therefore, what needs to happen here is that people become more aware of this hidden influence of the elite—the deception that is behind all forms of elitism.
Naturally, our conferences and the books that will be created based on those conferences will be important tools, whereby those of you who are (and who will become in the next ten years) ascended master students, can provide that impetus that will turn the tide, that will turn the current of the river, that will turn the course of the ship ever so slightly so that it starts pointing in a different direction.