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Question about raw food diet
TOPICS: Raw food diet too extreme for most people – follow a balanced diet – avoid extreme foods that give body a chemical high-low cycle –
Question: Is vegetarian or raw foods the ideal way to eat?
Answer from ascended master Jesus through Kim Michaels:
Diet is a very individual matter. For some people it is right to follow a vegetarian diet, but for others this could actually be too extreme a diet for their current level of spiritual development. For some spiritually advanced people it could be counterproductive and prevent them from effectively fulfilling the work that they came here to do.
A raw food diet is an extreme form of diet that is suitable only for a very small number of people. Therefore, I do not recommend that people force themselves to follow such a diet. Once again, diet is a very individual matter. I highly recommend that people strengthen their intuition and use my technique for inner attunement so that they can get a feel for what is right for them before they decide to adopt any kind of extreme diet. For most people, it will be best to follow a very balanced diet with a good variety of foods.
I therefore recommend that people stay away from extremes, such as alcohol, caffeine, chemicals, refined sugars and red meats. Sweets give the body a chemical high, and when it wears off, the body craves more. This leads to an unbalanced state and in order to balance it, the body craves meat. So many people are caught in a treadmill of eating excess sweets that have an expanding effect (on the body and the mind) and then eating heavy meats that have a contracting effect. By cutting out the extremes, people can find a balance that is not only healthier for the body but also allows their minds to stay clearer and more focused.
Question about raw food diet
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