Momentum on the spiritual path
Question: The masters frequently use the word ‘momentum’. In physics, the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics, there is the concept of where light, which has no mass, can have momentum. The mathematical calculations show that E=mc2 is a special case for an object at rest, but can describe it in a different way mathematically where masses/object is equal to momentum with the more general equation, E2=(pc)2+(m0c2)2, which describes all situations. Is this the case that with increasing momentum, an individual collective has more energy available from the ascended realm and increased creativity?
Answer from the ascended master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2022 Webinar – Democracy and Christhood.
Well, when we talk about a momentum, we are talking about, for example, a decree momentum. Many of you will have noticed, when you think about it, when you first started giving decrees and invocations, it was more difficult for you to do it. It was almost like there was a resistance in your vocal cords, in your mind, to doing it. You found it more difficult to do it quickly, for example. You find it more difficult to do it with power. As you continue doing it, you often come to a point where you overcome a certain hump and then it flows more easily. This means you have built a momentum.
And it is also correct that in the beginning, when you are more hesitant, there is not as much energy flowing from the spiritual realm through the invocations and decrees into your four lower bodies, but as you increase your momentum, then more energy can flow. “To him that has, more shall be added.” And this, of course, increases your momentum. In a sense, you do find it easier to give the decrees and invocations, you kind of get to a point where you just start and then it flows. And if you are not too tired, then it flows and you actually gain more energy from doing it, even though it is a physical activity that also takes a certain physical energy.
It is correct, without going into the equations, that with anything, the more you do it, when it is a positive activity that multiplies the talents, the more you will receive a multiplication factor of energy from the spiritual realm that makes it easier for you to do more.
Momentum on the spiritual path
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