Divine direction and creative flow
Question: Beloved Masters it is amazing that I am here now at the right time at the right moment. I understand so many things that you have said and my question is “what can I do more?”
Kim: Just in general, the masters don’t give personal messages through me so what you’ll get is an answer that also applies to other people and what everybody can do.
Answer by Ascended Master Saint Germain through Kim Michaels, given at a conference in Holland 2016.
You can always do more. This can bring you into a state of consciousness where you never feel you are doing enough and that is not what I or any of us are asking of you. We are asking you to look at your personal background, your personal experience and then realize that you have gone through the experiences you have had in your life for a reason. Some experiences you have in your life are just an outplaying of karma, or something you needed to see for your own psychology. For the vast majority of those of you who are spiritual students, you have gone through most of the experiences in your life also because there is a component where you can use that experience to help others.
You can build on your personal experience, you can use it in many different ways. It may be writing a book, it may be in your work, it may be just talking to other people, it may be in your family, but you can use your own experiences. You need to realize that whatever you have gone through, whatever you have studied, whatever you have learned, it is always enough that you can use it to help others and in helping others you are doing more.
You do not need to look at: “Is what I’m doing now enough, could I do more?” What you are doing now, what you are now, is sufficient to help others and in helping others you create the more. Then, down the road you will know how to do other things and your life becomes a flow where instead of worrying about: “Am I doing the right thing, am I doing good enough?” you are simply flowing from one thing to the next, effortlessly without ever worrying about making a mistake, without ever evaluating: “Is it good enough or not good enough.” You simply flow from situation to situation and you are always looking at: “How can I, given who I am, what my experience is, how can I help others?”
When you have a particular expertise and experience in a certain field, it is obvious to use that experience. You may also come to a point in your life where you realize you need to go in a different direction. Because the field you were into does not really allow you to help people the way you feel moved to help them. This is really not a matter of getting an outer direction, this is a matter of getting an inner direction where you go within and you know from within.
I can tell you, my beloved, that it is perfectly natural that spiritual students want us to give them some kind of direction. You could all benefit from having our direction, but you would actually not benefit from having direction from an external source because you are all capable of getting that direction from inside yourself through your intuitive faculties.
Let me tell you this again: When you are a sincere spiritual student, when you have been willing to work on your own psychology, then you are at a point right now where you are capable of getting our direction of what is the next step. We will not give anybody the full clarification of what they are ultimately meant to do in life, or the full vision of what they are going to do for the rest of their life. We work by giving people directions: “What is the next step?” Then, when you take that, you get the next direction that takes you a step further. That is how Divine direction works, it is not a matter of having total clarity ahead of time.
Alchemy, my beloved, really is a matter of: You tune in to the consciousness behind the substance you want to transform. In its most simple form, as you have heard so many times that it is a cliché, if you want to transform lead, you need to tune in to the consciousness behind lead. Then, you need to tune in to the Christ consciousness, allow the Christ consciousness to flow into the lead and thereby it is transformed.
This can be as a general principal applied to any aspect of your life. You tune in to your own consciousness right now, you tune in to the Christ consciousness, allow it to flow into your consciousness and then you will be accelerated to the next level. You will have the vision of what is the next step and then be willing to take that step. That is how you anchor the transformation in the physical and now you have come up higher. Now, you can receive the next direction and this is what becomes this flowing process where you effortlessly flow with the River of Life because you are willing to take one step at a time, without worrying about what is too far ahead.
Ideally, you can look at many creative people who have not known ahead of time what new ideas should be brought forth, but they have focused their attention on a certain issue. They have focused their attention on it until they have tuned in to the consciousness behind the issue. Then they have let go because the more tension you create, the more you block the flow of the Christ consciousness. When they have let go, then they have received an impetus and then they have dared to act upon it.
This messenger does not know what we are going to say through him a year or ten years from now. He does not demand to know, he takes one step at a time, looks at the next teaching, the next book, the next conference and just flows with it, without demanding any particular attention or knowledge or vision of what is going to happen. This actually is liberating because you avoid all of these considerations: “Is it right, is it wrong, is this what I should be doing, is there something else I should be doing?” Wherever you are, there is something you can do and when you do that, you move forward and then there is something else and instead of being behind you are just flowing with life.
Divine direction and creative flow
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