The dynamic of the divine plan
Question: By whom and how is the vision of the Divine plan held for a particular livestream’s incarnation after it has been made and a lifestream takes embodiment as the next opportunity to embody in the material world. Is the Divine plan an impulse that is expressed in some geometrical form or in the form of a seed that is sprouting and unfolding during its life? Can it be compared to a compass that indicates the direction and sets reference points? Could the masters please tell us more about this?
Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2022 Webinar – Democracy and Christhood.
The Divine plan is held by the ascended masters who are working with that particular lifestream, also by the I Am Presence of the lifestream. The Divine plan can be somewhat compared to an energetic matrix, a certain geometric shape. But it is quite complex. It is also as we have said before, quite flexible. It is not rigid; it is not a straitjacket where you either follow your Divine plan strictly in all details or you go to hell.
The Divine plan is a dynamic thing that is more like you said, as a compass, as a guideline. And it is not so that the Divine plan specifies that certain concrete physical things absolutely must happen. And if they do not, you have failed that embodiment. The primary goal of the Divine plan is your growth in consciousness. And this can happen in many different ways.
You may say, that you have in your Divine plan, that you are born in a certain area, a certain location. And you are going to grow up there among certain people. And there might be a certain person who potentially could be your spouse. Perhaps because you have karma with that person, perhaps because you have a more positive potential for growing together. But when you come down into embodiment, and the density of the physical octave and the density of your own four lower bodies and karma, it is not a guarantee that you will see this. You may decide to do something different, so that you do not meet that person or you refuse to have a relationship with that person. You may be attracted to another person and have a relationship with that person. But still, your Divine plan will seek to help you grow. And it is never so that there is only one outcome: there is only one person that is the ideal partner, there is only one person that can help you go and so forth. This is never the case. There are always multiple scenarios that can unfold.
The Divine plan always seeks to help you, whatever choice you have made. Whatever situation you have put yourself in the Divine plan serves as this guideline, this lodestone —pointing to how you can grow from that situation. And if you tune into your divine plan and have some attunement, you will always see how to grow from any situation. And you can come to a point where you put yourself in a state of mind where you are not regretting the past, you are not blaming yourself, you are not feeling ashamed, you are not analyzing your past. You are saying: Now that I am in this situation, how can I tune into my Divine plan, and sense what is the best step for me to take? What will lead me to the most growth?
The Divine plan will change. You could say that you are standing on a road, the road moves, you are moving forward on this road. But now you come to a place where there is an opening, an open area. And for that open area, there might be two or three or more roads that lead out representing choices you could take in that situation. Now, obviously, you can only take one of those roads, you can only make one choice. You go there, you take that road, and then you walk that road for a time and you come to another open area. And there is again, multiple choices you can make. And this can continue. And this does continue throughout your life.
Now, sometimes you will see from the overall perspective, if you look at this, as a tree that branches out, you will say that you came to the first fork, and you took a road that took you off to the right side of this tree. But then you came to another fork and you took another choice, you came to another fork and you took a different choice. And all of a sudden you are now back on the same path you would have taken if you had taken another choice in the beginning. In other words, eventually like branches of a tree, they begin to meet and overlap. It is never so that there is only one choice you could have made and if you made a ‘mistake’, so to speak, you can never come back to that position. You can make many different choices, and still make the maximum progress that you were meant to make in your lifetime.
The dynamic of the divine plan
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