(Not) enough time to fulfill your divine plan
Question: The masters have said that many of us in this dispensation are in our final embodiment on earth, of what is potentially our final embodiment. But if we are only at the 96th level of consciousness and some of us are well into the latter decades of this lifetime, then how would we be able to ascend the remaining levels between the 96th and 144th, express Christhood and do all of the things that we would have to do in the time we have left, in order to be ready to ascend at the end of this lifetime?
Answer from the Ascended Master Mother Mary through Kim Michaels. This answer was given during the 2023 New Year’s webinar – Being a spiritual person in a chaotic world.
Well, you better get busy then, don’t you? Naturally I am trying to strike a lighter note here to avoid that you take our teachings and become frantic or obsessive-compulsive about it. We have seen this happen so many times in past dispensations, where people have become so concerned about all the things they think they have to do that they almost panic. They almost have a nervous breakdown because they create such a pressure for themselves.
But take care to look at what we have said. If you are an ascended master student and you are above a certain age, but it is part of your divine plan to ascend after this lifetime, then you would not have made this part of your divine plan unless it was an attainable goal. This means that if it was part of your divine plan to discover the teachings at a certain age, it is still possible for you to qualify for your ascension. You need to, of course, be diligent in applying the tools, resolving all of these separate selves, the birth trauma and so on. But if you are in the later stages of life there will not be so many outer things you have to do in your divine plan.
When you are at a certain age it is legitimate to not be so concerned about doing outer things but to focus on the transformation of your psychology as the most important steps you can take for the rest of this lifetime. But do not panic. If it is part of your divine plan you can make it. But even if you do not make it you can come back into another lifetime and make it then. There is no need to be in panic about your divine plan because your divine plan is based on a realistic assessment.
What you need to be careful about is that you do not allow your outer mind to create some standard or image for what you are supposed to achieve in order to ascend and project this upon the process because you cannot ascend through the outer mind and the expectations created by the outer mind. You need to be careful to study our teachings to work on these separate selves and dismiss them so you can get a stronger intuitive connection of what exactly it is you have to transcend, what exactly it is you have to do in order to attain maximum progress for the rest of this lifetime.
(Not) enough time to fulfill your divine plan
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